martes, 7 de septiembre de 2010

The Art of Longing

Feel an absent presence floating over anything you'd like to say. See the same eyes in all eyes and the same smile in every smile. Walk the streets in inadvertent randomness until you realize night has fallen and you smoked another pack away. Sleep a lonesome sleep, rise to a numb sun, go around the things you have to and ruminate lost moments from while to while.

everything points to the same path, a path that can be walked no more. The city wavers and all the streets run back to one place in the back of your head.

Longing is the art of patience.

Just wait for the hours to drop off the day.
Just wait for the day to end, just wait for slumber to come.
Creative Commons License
faceinstone by matias rivera baeza is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No comercial-Sin obras derivadas 2.0 Chile License.